Million$ Question: A/V Receiver Recommendation



Audioholic Intern
Just found your forum. Lots of good info. Just got a new Panasonic 42" Plasma and love it. Unfortunately have an old RCA cheapo receiver. I'm looking for a decent but not too expensive replacement. Went to a high-end local shop and the manager was pushing the Yamaha RX-V659. I liked it a lot but it carried a $500 price tag. He said he was running a special with that and and 6 B&M speakers for $1500. I have some ok in the wall mounted speakers that were builder installs in my new home. They kind of suck but I really can't shell out big bucks right now for a TV, Receiver, and Speakers. Looking to just get a receiver. Are there any other decent receivers out there to look at in that price range or lower? The idea of an upconverter sounds nice but I'm not quite sure how that works in the receiver itself? I know the upconverters in DVD players convert 480 to 720 & 1080. Will the upconvertor in the receivers convert ALL video from DVDs and a satellite receiver? Just trying to figure out which way to go; one very good piece at a time or moderate priced setup all together?

What other receivers are good buys and where's a good place to order?

Thanks for the help. Just a little new at this.

billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
If your looking at Yamaha I think the htr series is a cheaper option then the rxv. My best advice to you is if you don't like your current speakers then the receiver won't improve the sound. IMO wait and do things 1 step at a time. As far as receiver in that price range Pioneer is well thought of, I personally like denon, also look at some used receivers. Dvd players look no further then the oppo's, 3 to choose from and your best dollar for dollar in value& performance!!


Seriously, I have no life.
Lots of good receivers out there, but I am not aware of one for $1Million:D


Senior Audioholic
mtrycrafts said:
Lots of good receivers out there, but I am not aware of one for $1Million:D
I've got one I'll sell you for only $900,000!;)
I'll even oil it up with some mapleshade snake oil


Seriously, I have no life.
Geno said:
I've got one I'll sell you for only $900,000!;)
I'll even oil it up with some mapleshade snake oil

I think a bunch of you have an early sip of spiked eggnog:D

Can you slip in Watco oil, I am partial to it, actually biased. We have a deal:D


Junior Audioholic
look into the Pioneer 1016 can be had for less the the 659, I paid $380
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Geno said:
I've got one I'll sell you for only $900,000!;)
I'll even oil it up with some mapleshade snake oil
If it's cash would you be willing to skip the tax!:p :) LOL


You can find the RX-V659 from several mail order vendors for ~350 just check out Nextag. Problem is with warrenty on the RX-V series is not valid from most on line vendors (maybe all). My local Sound Advice (Tweaters) had that model on sale for $450 but also had the RX-V2500 on sale for $499. I went with the V2500 but it was a hard choice. The XM and IPOD integration was nice, but I went to Radio Shack and for $5 dollars purchased a mini to RCA input for my IPOD.

But as many have said, speakers is where you need to spend the money and a good Sub.


I was told that if you want ot optimize your iPod sound, dont use the mini headphone jack as the output as this causes alot of sound degradation as you are going through an amplifier which really lessons the sound quality, Use the connector at the bottom as it is a clean "pre-amp" out signal which is a lot cleaner. Food for thougth

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