As many if you may know mike c lives in the Philippines. They have been hit by a series of tropical storms, one ongoing. They have serious flooding.
I had not seen any post by mike since the crisis developed. I contacted him this morning and he is OK.
He has given me permission to send the PM correspondence we have had.
{Dear Mike,
I have noted no posts these past days. I hope you and your family are safe and dry. Floods are no fun. I lived for thirty years in the Red River Valley of the North. Floods are an annual worry, and I lived through two very bad ones.
I know there is another system on the way, so I realize you may be at action stations, But if you get a chance to post to reassure us please do.
I'm sending money for relief efforts in the Philippines today.
I pray and hope your family come through this disaster.
Wishing you all well, Mark.
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hi Mark,
yes, we are safe and dry ... the only things damaged and in danger were material things, although there is one "super typhoon" on top of our heads and i believe some more on the way.
thank you for help in the relief efforts
it is much appreciated!
thanks for caring!
mike c
---End Quote---
Dear Mike,
Today I received a check from a member for custom design work. The work was gratis, but he felt obligated to pay me, so I have turned the funds over to relief efforts in the Philippines.
So Audioholics is helping your cause in a round about way.
Do you mind if I make a post letting members know you are OK?
Best Regards, Mark.
---End Quote---
sure! that'd be great
again, thanks!}
Anybody who is able, please contribute to the Philippine relief efforts, and help a fellow member and his countrymen.