Microsoft is rasing the price of XBOX Live Gold



Audioholic Spartan

Well, this is sad and unexpected: Microsoft's Major Nelson just announced that Xbox Live Gold will be getting more expensive in the US, UK, Canada, and Mexico starting November 1. A single month will go from $7.99 to $9.99, three months will go from $19.99 to $24.99, and the yearly sub will now be $59.99, up from $49.99. Yes, it's super lame, but to make up for it Microsoft's running a quickie "lock in" promo for a discounted $40 one-year Gold sub starting November 1 -- a nice deal if your subscription is set to expire around then, we suppose. We're definitely wondering why Microsoft is jacking Live prices right before launching Kinect and the gaming-focused Windows Phone 7, though -- we've heard theories ranging from an attempt to increase Entertainment and Devices revenue to a simple inflation adjustment. We'll poke around -- and we're guessing there's about to be a run on Gold upgrade cards.


Audioholic Spartan
This in my opinion is a bad move on MS's part, especially since PSN is free. But people will still pay to play, now they will just hurry up and get all the gold live cards now while they are still under 60$.


Audioholic Samurai
Here is my take on this it's a very bad move on their part to raise the price they should have left it the way it was, I for one would like to know the reasoning behind this move.

As you pointed out it could be an adjustment to inflation, increase of E&D revenue or it's just simple greed who knows.

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