Marantz av-550, or Denon DRA-295 for a preamp?



Full Audioholic
Or neither??

I'm looking to get a Crown XLS-1500 amp to use on my strictly music system so I'm looking for a preamp.

I've narrowed it down to 2 different preamps that I've found (the Denon is actually a receiver w/ pre-outs). This is what I've come up w/ for pros/cons for each; and I was curious if I could get any additional info I may be missing from some of you guys.

Denon DRA-295:
Pros- I like Denon sound (my older HT receiver was a Denon from about 02 and it sounded great w/ music as well), and it's strictly a stereo receiver (no pro-logic, etc).
Cons- No digital input for my Marantz SACD player, it's a receiver rather than strictly a preamp (does that even matter?).

Marantz AV-550:
Pros- I've read good reviews on the stereo audio sound it reproduces (sounds good for 2 channel music according to reviews); has a digital input; is strictly a preamp; its a Marantz so it'll match my SACD player; has a waaaaay better remote than the Denon
Cons- 4 years older than the Denon (Denon's 2002, Marantz is 1998); Its a HT preamp and an older one at that (I always thought the old pro-logic receivers from the 90s sounded terrible w/ music, but that's coming from memory and I never had a super good one back in the 90s; let alone a preamp/amp combo).

Can anyone let me know if either are a good or bad idea? Does anyone here use a receiver w/ an external amp? Or does anyone have experience w/ Marantz preamps?


Full Audioholic

Does anyone use an external amp and use a receiver as as a preamp, as opposed to using a preamp? Are their pros or cons to doing that? What's the difference between a receiver that has pre-outs and a preamp (aside from the receiver having a built in amp)?

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