

Audioholic Slumlord
aka the second bedroom in a two bedroom condo.
This is how we get ready for paint boys and girls.
Well ... it's how I did it anyway.

First screw off the drywall that the hacks effed up the first time around.
Popped screws and sheets that rattle on the studs can't be good.

Remove the window hardware and scrape off the flaky stuff.
It will all get sanded and the holes from various curtain/blind deals will get filled.

Fix the lousy taping with a coat of mud on the joints before the skim coat.

Fill in any corner bead that the original craftsmen only put two coats on with pan knives ... dirty fockers.

I'm glad it's only one room. :)

Oh BTW, if this was orange peel, texture, knock down or anything other than a slick finish I'd just be stuck with whatever crap those putzes left me. Give me slick finish or give me death! :D
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Very nice. You should definitely put a level 5 finish on the walls.:cool:
After you sand the joints go look for Hamiltons level 5 primer. Spray it, back roll it, done.


Audioholic Samurai
Baseboard ?

Is that a vinyl cove base instead of wood? Those dirty sons of, I can not believe the way some builders try to save a buck or two. Nice job with the spackle blade , I dread doing the spackle end of any repair :(

*Interesting application for the door stop*


Audioholic Spartan
Nice work. Now there's a man that knows how to spackle!
What took you so long?:D

This Man Town you speak of; I hope to see it (in person) some day.


Audioholic Slumlord
Rick, you are totally to blame for all this but when it's done you will not get any credit.

Spackle is something else. This is putting mud on walls aka taping. There will be no operation an airless sprayer in here ... ever. It was raining but the pic is misleading. I want wood base but don't want to pay for it (even though it's under $100) and do all the extra work prepping and painting it. Most people wouldn't even notice and if you pointed it out to them, they wouldn't care ... same goes for the walls but once the paint is on the walls I can't get under the paint to fix the wall. With the base ... I'm not wasting my time and money by not replacing it ... so ... get ready for the war cry of mediocrity ... good enough!

The door stop thing is so the way to go. I can now swing it out of the way of a vacuum.

I'm going to move the computer desk to the window and wall mount the Aperion Intimus 5DB's on either side to use as computer speakers. I'll still have speaker stands with those Dayton BR-1's with the loved up cabinets or some other bookshelf on them too. Now that I think about this I'm thinking that I should move everything where I want it and cut into the walls to conceal the wires. So ... skim the wall ... move the computer table and set up the Audio gear ... cut into the walls and install wires ... patch walls ...

... man am I glad this is only one room. ;)


Audioholic Samurai
Time for another coat of "mud" , hows the project coming along any new pics?
I want to see this up close on inspection day, I like to drive :D
How close are you to Walter? I think a nice day of N/A beers is in order.


Audioholic Slumlord
hows the project coming along any new pics?
If you drive all the way here I'll see to it that there are real beers.
N/A's are really only for those who have earned the right to them. ;)
Walter is about 4 hours 13 minutes and 12 seconds from here ... roughly. :D

Yesterday I spent playing with paint colors and convincing myself to do a dry fit for the computer desk and wall mounted speakers at the window. It doesn't sound like much but deciding on this course of action will maybe make things go smoothly down the line.

I also need to empty and move the stuff pictured below against the window wall for the dry fitting and to clear it off the wall that it's on to do my magic there. It's all good so long as I'm in a good head space and doing it with love. I don't mind doing things I hate for money but when it's like this I need to be diggin' it.

Now ... back to it.


Audioholic Warlord
Walter is about 4 hours 13 minutes and 12 seconds from here ... roughly. :D
Does that include time on the side of the road chatting with cops...?;)

I've put up drywall in my own house and I don't mind it. However, mudding is a hateful chore. Since I only do it occasionally, I'm not that good at it and I'm slow. Keep up the pics!
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walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai
Walter is about 4 hours 13 minutes and 12 seconds from here ... roughly. :D
Going back might take a little longer because of a heavier load.:D Just kidding..


Audioholic Slumlord
Does that include time on the side of the road chatting with cops...?;)
I just told my girl about that. She's pissed.

mudding is a hateful chore.
That is the single hardest thing I ever learned to do.

Going back might take a little longer because of a heavier load.:D
No kidding.
They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I find myself pining for you, Walter. :)


Audioholic Slumlord
This is the big idea.

I'm thinking to cut into the wall to wire up the Aperion 5DB's so that no wires are seen and have the bookshelves and passive sub wired neatly ... I don't know ... screw it ... I have a couple of lengths of wire molding and I'm going to surface mount the ... paralyzed by indecision ... what would Bandphan do? ... crack open a Harps and crank it up? :confused: :D


The old me would open the wall up and have a few harps while wiring it up. The new me would take my meds and just stare at the wall:p


Full Audioholic
Nice looking setup/room you're going to have.
I chickened out and hired out our drywall finishing (for a whole basement). And I refuse to take picture of my in process work, I don't want people able to point all of my mistakes along the way, hopefully when it's done I can have them all covered up...
I'll be hanging my 5DB's this week, I wonder who will be able to listen to theirs first?


Audioholic Spartan
As far as I can tell, you are rebuilding an entire room for the sole purpose of comfortably posting on AH all day long. That's dedication.:D


Audioholic Slumlord
I chickened out and hired out our drywall finishing.
That's smart. You don't want to be able to see every single joint and be able to tell where every single stud is after it's painted.

I'll be hanging my 5DB's this week, I wonder who will be able to listen to theirs first?
Man, I hope it's me. :eek:

As far as I can tell, you are rebuilding an entire room for the sole purpose of comfortably posting on AH all day long. That's dedication.:D
Dave, that cracked me up ... but if Adam's not going to do it ... :rolleyes: :D

I got my speaker wires sorted out. I've never fished a wire in my life before yesterday but happened to have a short roll of fish tape. It came in handy. Now it's time to get that last wall (where the computer and LP shelf were) up to speed, skim everything, sand and paint.

Thanks for the laughs and encouragement. It almost makes it not like work. :)
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Audioholic Slumlord

It was only a matter of time before I got sick of this. Unfortunately it's sooner than later. :eek:
The home stretch is gonna be a b!tch. :rolleyes:


Pulling cable ain't all it is cracked up to be huh?Lookin good Alex you can do it man!!!! :D

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