I have seen the LPX-510 in action, and it is beautiful-- I was very impressed. Pricing seems to be in the $3600 range at the low end.
I have searched high and low both locally (Wichita, Kansas), regionally (Kansas City area), and even in places such as Manhattan NY. I cannot find a PLV-Z2 anywhere to witness in action. The stats look nearly the same as the LPX-510 (with the exception of total lumens), the reviews are stellar, and the price is tantalizing ($1600 at the low end). Is there anyone out there who has seen both projectors in action and can give me an opinion of whether an additional $2,000 outlay for the LPX-510 is really worth it? I'm not a videophile, but I do enjoy the big screen experience-- primarily intend watching DVDs and, occasionally, broadcast HD. I'd value some direct experience, here! Thank you in advance.