So I'm slowly losing my mind to over-analysis-paralysis. Short version, I finally have a larger unfinished basement that I'm going to convert into a dedicated home theater. I have a JVC NX7/RS2000 and Marantz SR8015. After tons of testing, I have established that I strongly prefer in-rooms to in-walls for LCR, so my plan is to use matching KEF Q750 for LCR behind a false wall (with KEF Ci160Q or Ci200Q surrounds/atmos for 7.?.4 setup) and a Seymour UF 16:9 screen at about a 45 degree viewing angle. After evaluating lots of scenarios, I have landed on 120" screen. Subwoofers TBD.
Unfinished dimensions:
L: 25'
W: 12' 9.5"
H: 7' 9"
Tentative finished dimensions:
W: 11' 8"
H: 7' 8"
No matter how many variations I've looked at, I keep ended up with either the mains too narrow at under 22 degrees inside the screen borders or hugging the side walls at about 27 degrees. The KEF Q towers are NOT ported, so that's one problem out of the way, but I'm overly paranoid about SBIR. From what I've read/watched from Audioholics, since I can't get to like 4' distance between the speakers and the walls, it sounds like putting the speakers closer to the outside walls will actually be better to raise the SBIR-impacted frequencies, and then just aggressively treat my first reflections. Is that accurate? Is that my best path? I understand viewing angle and prioritize that over screen size, so if there's a more optimal scenario where I go with a slightly smaller screen, I'm not opposed... Just totally stumped.
Any help would be deeply appreciated!