I am looking to replace my bargain ebay find an onkyo tx sr506, which has plenty of punch and volume. I am currently running two sets of floor standing speakers (Beng LB 4707s and Hyundai MultiCAV L766s) into the single front speaker terminal of the amplifer, so I am able to adjust the bass and treble. I know this lowers the impedience of the speakers and can potentially damage the amplifer but it has been going strong for two years.
My main concern is I might be losing sound quality by doing this so I am looking to upgraded to a reciever or amplifier that allows me to adjust bass, treble and audio levels for ALL speakers(front, side and rear) basically so you have a A+B speaker situation, with the added audio tweaks a AV surround reciever has. As I have quite a large room and want both speaker pairs to have the same bass, treble and volume levels.
Please recommend any AV recievers or amplifers that have this capability? Max £450 and it doesnt have to be bleeding edge modern