j_garcia: The type 4 is, according to Audioquest, a bit better than the type 1, but its basically the same conductors just in a star-quad configuration. When you say you noticed no difference, what were you comparing them to? more-or-less no difference? what exactly do you mean?
I'm trying to figure out if it is worth it to change over to something like Canara 4S11 cable (with techflex to pretty it up) as I would basically be spending the same amount ($1 per foot) as I did for the AQ Type 1 wire. Obviously, if the Type 1 wire actually measures better, then I probably don't want to get rid of it.
The main reasons I'm thinking about getting something different, as I stated before, is that the AQ wire is ugly, mostly due to it looking wavy because it is too stiff to really lay out flat, and the second reason, which is also linked with the first, is that because it is so stiff and wavy, it's a pain in the butt route around my living room.
On a side note, I found out that the Audioquest Type 1 cable, when the pairs are combined as in a star-quad configuration, is equivalent only to a 16AWG wire, and my longest run right now is 35 feet to my surrounds.