Right now I have an Esoteric AI-10 integrated amp. It is 110 watts into 8 ohms and 150 into 4 ohms. Decent power. The problem is it has no pre outs an leaves me no options down the road to add more power or use a sub. I'm good with my source, a Bryston BCD-1 and my speakers, PMC OB1i's. I have been looking at the Krell 300i, it has more power and pre outs. It is half the price of the Esoteric though, so is the build quality inferior? I do like the idea of a having one box because of space constraints but I am also looking at separates that are small such as the Wyred 4 sound STP-SE preamp and SX500/SX1000 mono's. Also there is the Wyred 4 Sound STI-1000 integrated amp as well. One other option is the Peachtree Audio Grand integrated. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Feel free to offer other suggestions as well. Thanks in advance.