Looking for guidance


Dave S.

I am in the process of buying speakers to replace my ageing Fried Model B's. I have been considering the Dali Zensor 3, Audioengine HDP6, and Martin Logan LX16. I will be using a Dared i30 integrated tube amp with about 30W /ch to power the speakers in a fairly small room 13 x 17. Any advice on these or other speakers in the $500-$600 price range would be greatly appreciated.


Audioholic Jedi
Which of those speakers do you like the best? How can anyone else tell you what speaker you might like among the choices you have offered when you yourself offer no reasons as to why these particular speakers appeal to you? None of them would even be on my radar....

Dave S.

I live in a location that has no audio showrooms for me to listen to any of these speakers in, I based these on reviews I have read on the internet.


Audioholic Jedi
Reviews are only so helpful with your own tastes and the room you will be using, let alone any oddities your tube amp adds to the equation. I'd audition speakers from internet direct providers (I also have no brick&mortar stores within a several hour drive to go audition at). Maybe start with a pair of SVS Ultra bookshelfs, they have a free in home trial including shipping both ways if you don't like them. Others to consider would be Philharmonic and Ascend off the top of my head, but they I do not believe offer free shipping on the trials.

Dave S.

Thanks for the tip I was unaware of in home trials. I've read good opinions of the SVS speakers on here that may indeed be a good starting point.


Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks for the tip I was unaware of in home trials. I've read good opinions of the SVS speakers on here that may indeed be a good starting point.
They offer a 45 day in home trial to give you time to decide if you really like them. If you dont, you can ship them back on their dime and get a full refund. You really can't lose.

I used the Ultra bookshelves as my main speakers (with a pair of subs) for a while before I got the towers. Very good speakers. I've never bottomed them out, even full range at spirited levels. They hit a legit 48-50hz on the low end and do it with control and authority. The Al tweeter they use is implemented very well. It's clean and detailed without being fatiguing or harsh. I was so impressed I bought 3 of them (one for center) and the towers.

I highly recommend the Ultras. I'm very happy with mine. You have nothing to lose trying them out in your home.

Dave S.

I do love the model B, one of my woofers was damaged by my grandson, and I may still buy a matched pair of replacements from falcon acoustics and rehab the crossovers. I did not know Fried was still in business now that Bud is no longer around.


Audioholic Jedi
I do love the model B, one of my woofers was damaged by my grandson, and I may still buy a matched pair of replacements from falcon acoustics and rehab the crossovers. I did not know Fried was still in business now that Bud is no longer around.
Don't know anything about Fried but did see a website that seems to be offering product http://www.friedproducts.com/ .... perhaps even help with refurbishing your speakers?


Audioholic Warlord
The original Fried speaker company is no longer around. The name 'Bud Fried' was purchased a number of years ago by Jim Salk, and that web page is it. It was aimed at producing modern speakers designed using some of Bud Fried's ideas. The business model was to sell through dealers instead of internet direct, as Salk does with his own line of speakers. I don't know how successful that effort was, as I have never encountered any of these Bud Fried speakers.

I have heard one older Fried model, but not the Model B. It was a number of years ago when I heard it, but I remember liking it. It may be possible to find a replacement woofer, but I would avoid modifying or rehabing the crossovers. Exchanging old capacitors for new ones is not going to improve things unless the old capacitors are of the non-polar electrolytic type, some of which can fail with age.

If you want to buy new speakers, I think the $500-600 per pair price range may be too low to satisfy you. In the $700-1000 per pair range are a number of excellent 2-way bookshelf speakers, Salk SongSurround I ($895 per pair), Philharmonic Audio Mini Philharmonitor ($695-750 per pair), Ascend Acoustics Sierra-1 ($850-900 per pair), and the SVS Ultra Bookshelf ($1000 per pair).

I am most familiar with the Salk speakers. But Jim Salk's long-time collaborator in speaker design, Dennis Murphy designed both the Salk and the Philharmonic Audio speakers. For that matter, Dennis also designed the speaker sold under the Bud Fried name.


Audioholic Overlord
If you want to buy new speakers, I think the $500-600 per pair price range may be too low to satisfy you. In the $700-1000 per pair range are a number of excellent 2-way bookshelf speakers, Salk SongSurround I ($895 per pair), Philharmonic Audio Mini Philharmonitor ($695-750 per pair), Ascend Acoustics Sierra-1 ($850-900 per pair), and the SVS Ultra Bookshelf ($1000 per pair).
I am a big fan of the SVS Ultra bookshelf if you can get B-stock for $400 each (currently there are a few).
pretty sure the 45 day trial is good for b-stock, but verify before ordering

However, at $1000, I would be inclined to spend another $150 for the $1150 New Philharmonitor speaker with the RAAL ribbon tweeters.
http://www.philharmonicaudio.com/New Philharmonitor.html

Of course, the 45 day in-home trial without having to pay any shipping as offered by SVS may be the deciding factor.


Audioholic Slumlord
I am a big fan of the SVS Ultra bookshelf if you can get B-stock for $400 each (currently there are a few).
pretty sure the 45 day trial is good for b-stock, but verify before ordering

However, at $1000, I would be inclined to spend another $150 for the $1150 New Philharmonitor speaker with the RAAL ribbon tweeters.
http://www.philharmonicaudio.com/New Philharmonitor.html

Of course, the 45 day in-home trial without having to pay any shipping as offered by SVS may be the deciding factor.
I agree. Though I think I'd try the Ultras first (actually what I did and I liked them so much I never sent them back!). If you don't like them you can send them back on their dime and still get the Phils.

*Trial offer is good for b stock. That's where I got all 3 of my Ultra bookshelves.


Audioholic Warlord
I am a big fan of the SVS Ultra bookshelf if you can get B-stock for $400 each (currently there are a few).
pretty sure the 45 day trial is good for b-stock, but verify before ordering.
It's hard to ignore $400 for a B-stock pair of SVS Ultra Bookshelves. I haven't heard them, but I have heard and liked the Ultra Towers. They seem to have the same mid range and tweeter.
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Audioholic Overlord
It's hard to ignore $400 for a B-stock pair of SVS Ultra Bookshelves. I haven't heard them, but I have heard and liked the Ultra Towers. They seem to have the same mid range and tweeter.
I've heard the bookshelves, but not the tower. It is a very good speaker for $1000/pr, but an exceptional speaker @ $800/pr!
I have yet to read of anyone buying their B-stock and sending it back or being disappointed that the speakers were significantly damaged or blemished. Typically, it takes some effort to find the damage SVS describes. Because gloss black has such a mirror effect, it is difficult to get a decent photo (or understand what you are looking at in the photo)!


Audioholic Warlord
Is the price $400 each, $800 a pair? If so, I got it wrong in my previous post.


Audioholic Overlord
Is the price $400 each, $800 a pair? If so, I got it wrong in my previous post.
That is for the BS Ultras bought via their B-stock outlet. They are $500 each brand new. All reports on B-stock I have read were people delighted at how minimal their blemish was. I think if SVS has a speaker with readily visible damage, they further reduce the price and give a more detailed description of the damage.

Dave S.

It’s been a year and I decided an update was in order. I have rehabbed my Fried Model B monitors with a matched pair of B110 drivers from Falcon Acoustics UK. They really are a great speaker hard to beat for a small LS3/5A type monitor.I have also recently purchased a pair of Klipsch Heresy iii’s I must say, at least for the material I listen to they have exceeded expectation. I listen to a lot of live streamed concerts and when I crank up the levels with my 30w per tube amp it does almost sound like I’m there.

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis