I recently came across a super deal on an older 5.1 surround sound system.
A Sony SA-VE230 Micro Satellite system.
A Sony STR-DE345 Receiver 100 WPC.
A Sony DVP-S560D Dvd Player (5.1 Surround) cd/dvd/VCD player.
Last but not least a Sony RM-PP404 Remote Commander to control the whole works.
All for the price of 100 dollars, all in tip top shape, not a scratch.
My question is why am I not getting rear sound on any surround sound mode through the receiver when on TV/Sat setting.
The tv I have is also a Sony, Model KV-27TS29, a pretty basic model with only 1 video in and audio out.
I get rear sound from all other inputs on the receiver, in all the correct modes that use the rear speakers, just nothing from the rears in Tv/Sat.
What could the reason be for this?
Thanks in advance for the input.