fsboswfl said:
I'm new to this home audio stuff, so I apologize if I screw up the lingo and terminology... but here I go-
I have an office with two speakers within a house full of speakers. I want to be able to select a global input from the equipment closet or a local input from a pair of banana speaker jacks connected to a stereo located in the office.
What is the cheapest and easiest way? I see some things out there that are designed to work with specific pieces of equipment. I just want a simple volume control with an "A-B" switch so-to-speak.
Not sure, but a few questions.
The two speakers in your office, I presume is driven by an amp at the central equipment closet, with perhaps a volume control and maybe an on/off switch in your office?
What modifications are you allowed to make?
What would your new input source be? It would need to be another amplifier able to drive those speakers.
If you have this source, and allowed to modify the system, may not be, you could use a remodel box in the wall with a double pole-double throw switch and a female banana receptacle to accept the cable from your source?