I am trying to put together a "decent" stereo setup for watching TV, some movies, and listening to music in the living room (we listen to music throughout the house from the living room when we clean). I was going to go with a 2.0 setup and had a pretty good idea on what I would spend my money on and how to come in on budget....well, I blew my budget the other day.
I decided to add a sub to the system!

I don't regret it in the least but now I am hoping to get a little help on what to do to fill in the rest of the pieces for the system.
My current stereo receiver is pretty weak...and doesn't have a sub-out. SO, I have to replace it. I also need to get some nice quality floorstanding speakers. Right now I am leaning toward getting a pair of Swan Diva 4.1 for around 550 shipped and then put together a Behringer A500 and some cheap receiver with pre-outs to run them for around 300 (this blows my budget by 300 but I am willing to do it if it is my best option). Does this sound like the best and cheapest setup I could get my hands on that is still a quality driven system?
The only other option I can think of is try to find a Receiver that is stable down to 4 ohms for cheap, and maybe find some nice speakers on Audiogon (I seem to see a lot of Magnapan's on there for cheap).
The key is that the speakers have to be very nice looking speakers in order to make my wife happy. But I don't want to just buy something because it is pretty...I want it to be functional. It has to be floorstanding as well. I'm not opposed to used either. I have to get this done before the wife will let me get started on my theater room.