Has anyone seen this? I'm surprised there is not a thread on this movie yet. I watched this the other day and thought it was one of the best movies I have seen in awhile. I'll try not to spoil it for anyone.;-)
I thought the acting was top notch and the storyline is right out of today's headlines. I will admit that I have always liked Robert Redford, however. Great actor and I think he did a great job directing this film. To me there was enough action to keep it intesting without detracting from the film. Make no mistake, however, it is dialogue heavy and pretty much a thinking person's movie. If "Dukes of Hazzard" or "Transformers" and a box of popcorn is your mainstay, then this might not be the movie for you (although, on second thought, maybe you should watch it!).
One of the things I liked the best is it did not take a side on the event but presents great arguments for all sides and let's you chose what you think is right. People from several socio-economic backgrounds, races vocations and ages give you a lot of views.
Best of all is it encourages people to get off their indifferent duffs and DO something. THINK, people, make an informed decision and ACT! Can one person make a difference? Watch this movie and then get back to me.