Linksys WET200 wireless bridge



Audioholic General
I just got a wireless bridge because I wanted to connect to Xbox Live and I wanted extra ports in case I get a Blue Ray player, HTPC or something else that needs a network connection.

The WET200 was about $110 at Newegg. It does 802.11 b/g and has 5 10/100 ports. It costs a little more than the Official Microsoft Xbox Wireless Adapter (I think street price is about $85) but I got it for the extra ports. It can act as a wireless router or a bridge.

Setting up as a bridge was pretty easy once I figured it out. I used the included network cable attached to my laptop to configure it. The steps are:

1. Establish a connection to the setup utility by pointing your browser to The username and password are "admin".

2. Skip over the first page and go straight to the wireless settings. I set it for infrastructure mode and added my SSID for my wireless router from my DSL service and set the channel to the same as that router. At this point you would also set any WPA or WEP options which I don't use.

3. Go back to the first setup page and tell it to get it's IP address through DHCP and click Apply. The router will restart. In my case, the subnet was different. My wireless router uses so the new IP for the bridge was in that range. I had to connect to my router to see which new address got assigned. Once I had that, I re-connected to the bridge to make sure everything was copacetic.

That's basically it. Once it was configured, I popped it in my rack and plugged it back in. Any device you hook up to an ethernet port will get a new DHCP address through your wireless router.

I also recommend changing the default username and password. NB, any extra security on your main wireless router, like MAC filtering, may complicate things.



Audioholic General
I should add something to step one of the configuration. They tell you the IP address of the on board web server and say to set your ethernet device to a static IP address in the same subnet. Since I'm not a network guru and they didn't specify a netmask, I had to use trial and error to find a good number to use. worked for me.

After you change the configuration and log back in, if the bridge is on a new subnet, you can switch your ethernet over to DHCP to get an address on the right network.


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