The HDMI cable is a great tip, I will check that out. It isn't the greatest cable and it kind of long. I have also had issues in the past with my other tv losing the signal on occasion if the cable got bumped or something. It might be junk and was kind of suspect to begin with but I forgot all about it.
You also mentioned 4K. I switched my computers resolution to 4K instead of 1080p and it hasn't done it since then. But then I have only been on it for a few minutes and it is kind of random thing. It isn't something I can force. OK, scrub that, it just did it lmao. Had my hopes up for a few minutes there darn it. I will for sure swap out some cables tomorrow and test that.
I tried the built in browser and you really can't make it do it. If you leave it sit too long it just goes into screen saver mode. Hopefully I will get lucky and figure something out.
12 ft is about the limit for a passive HDMI cable. I strongly recommend the Ruipro hybrid cables with a voltage inserter to power it.
4K is much more fickle.
I was thinking last night that your problem could be a ground loop. I did my set up last October. The HTPC was an in house build. Initially I had strange trouble, like noise moving the mouse and jittery picture quite bit, and I think I may have had your problem. When I investigated I found that the power supply, a home brand of Micro Center, had an internal ground loop. So I thew it back at them and bought a very high end power supply, and that was the end of the troubles.
Now my TV is supplied from the UPS in my first AV rack. So the TV is grounded right back to that rack and the robust studio ground plane. I really engineer my installations carefully and robustly. Anyhow your trouble could be a ground loop between your TVg round and your computer ground. Ground loops in computers manifest themselves in very strange ways, and not just the usual hum and buzzes.
Did you build your computer, or was it "off the shelf" so to speak? Computers for AV use have to be built to a very high standard and carefully thought out. That is why my HTPC and DAW are very robust home builds.
Thinking about your problem I suspect a cable and or grounding issue. I suspect your TV is fine, but there are issues related to what I have pointed out. It takes very little to cause really annoying problems. That means robust engineering and sourcing the highest quality components.