OK, as most of you know I just built a pretty nice computer about a month ago BUT its WAY overkill for a HTPC/Server. That machine was mostly built for photo editing, and some gaming, so it was really built as a pretty high performance machine with no concern for power consumption. More or less, its not a computer I want up and running 24/7, and I also don't want to stuff it with hard drives.
My plan from the get go was to build a separate NAS box of some kind. After using Plex for a while, and playing around with a couple different NAS solutions, I decided that I would be better off building a new windows based machine. The plan on the software side is to run Windows 7 Home Premium (I already have it since I changed to Pro on the other machine), I will run Plex server on this machine so it will have to handle all of the transcoding needed, and I will use FlexRaid for the storage management. I think this will be the easiest to set up, maintain, and use even thought it may not be the most efficient setup available (as far as power consumption).
Lets move onto hardware now, shall we

Here is what I have as my most recent parts list
Fractal Design Define R4
Power Supply:
Rosewill Stallion Series 600 Watt
Gigabyte GA-H87M-D3H
Intel Core i3-4330 Hasswell 3.5Ghz
CPU Cooler: Stock
Kingston HyperX LoVo 4GB (2GB x 2)
Video Card: On board
SSD Hard Drives:
Samsung 840 EVO 120GB
Main Storage Hard Drives:
Western Digital Green 3TB (x 3 to start)
Optical Drive: None
This list is ~$830 total give or take some for shipping and price fluctuations. The idea with this set up would be to have two of the 3TB drives be for parity, and one for stoarge. That does mean that from the start I would only have ~3TB of storage space. One of the big draws to FlexRaid for me is the ablity to add drive later as I need to. I am not sure if I could add parity drives later though, and I ultimately want two, so I would need to start with 3 drives total. If I could add a second parity drive later I would probaly start with two being used for storage so I could rip my whole collection (or close) before I was out of space. With the 3TB drives being around $100 a piece adding on wont be too bad either way.
Anyway, lets move on to questions! I will just list them so that none get overlooked.
1. Will 4GB of memory be enough, or should I get more? This board has 4 slots, so I could expand later.
2. Will this processor be powerful enuogh to handle running Plex with multiple HD streams?
3. Should I have an optical drive in this machine, or just rip from my main computer and save across the network to this one?
4. Does anyone know for sure if you can add a parity drive to Flexraid after the array is built?
5. I will eventually want this machine to also act as a DVR, what other things do I need to consider in that scenario (besides the obvious turner card(s) which we will talk about later)?
That should be all for now. Let me know what you all think of this build, and what I should keep or change, and why.