I'm looking into a new 50" range HDTV. What does everyone think, LCD or DLP. I'm leaning toward DLP, but now the 1080p TVs have started coming out, and I wonder if I should wait 6 months to a year. I was comparing Samsung, Mitsubishi, and Toshibas for DLP, and Sony & Hitachi Cineform for LCD. BUt then I saw Mitsubishi's LCD! What's up with them? They don't even have those TVs on their website yet. Looked good, but not quite as colorful or bright as the Sony next to it. (granted these were 60+" TVs, I'm only looking for 50ish). Does anyone have an educated opinion on these TVs? Regarding hookups, tweeks, picture, etc. Looking for owners, installers, tweekers advice, etc. to give me the run down. Or a push one way or the other. Just another newbie with the same question LCD or DLP?