I finally took a nose dive into calibrating my Samsung LN-T5271F using ColorHCFR and the spyder2express meter. I have performed all the test to get into the right grayscale. However, I ran into some problems. I did not have the cyan and magenta patterns to adjust color and tint. I do have question. Does anybody know how to adjust the primaries and secondaries on the samung? Do I have to go into the service menu? I really do not want to. The sammy has my color control, blue, red, green, pink and white: I think..... Is that the advanced color management system (CMS) secified in The reason why I am asking is because I measured the primaries and secondaries using the DVE generic SMPTE colour bars test pattern and my primaries and secondaries were off on the chart. Sorry if I am not explaining this correctly.I am new at this, but I did not want to pay BB to do it since I do not trust them.
Anyway, I need a little help adjusting the primaries and secondaries. Please help. I will include the calibration charts soon for additional support.