Cmd Cheyd

How long is the game play / storyline? I'm getting really tired of 4-5 hour games...


Audioholic Ninja
How long is the game play / storyline? I'm getting really tired of 4-5 hour games...
Its much longer than that. There are 21 main cases to solve. You progress from a street, homicide, vice and arson detective. I just got promoted to vice so I am a bit over half like on the 14th case or so. However, the more I progress the longer the case takes to solve. The last few cases on homicide I spent over 4 hours alone on. The other ones I spent maybe up to an hour. I am up to approx 18 hours right now. I have completed about 25 of the 40 side missions, got all but one hidden car and only have about 38 of 95 cars found in total. I have found most of the map locations as well. There are also 50 movie reels you can find if you roam around the city but they are well hidden. I have not found any yet. If I try to get 100% completion I wouldn't be surprised if I am up to 40hrs+.

If one rushed through this game with all the hints and auto-aim on, getting the least amount of evidence and just did the main cases I would see anywhere from 12-21 hrs.


Audioholic Ninja
I've heard this game is like Grand theft auto meets phoenix wright.

I might just pick it up because i'm a huge phoenix wright fan.


Audioholic Ninja
I've heard this game is like Grand theft auto meets phoenix wright.

I might just pick it up because i'm a huge phoenix wright fan.
The only areas it feels like GTA is when you are in combat (shooting) and when driving around the city (the atmosphere and ambiance is much different than GTA cities) and chasing a criminal on foot or in a car. This is small % of the game compared to the detective aspects (interviewing witnesses, gathering and examining crime scenes/evidence/clues, interrogation etc). L.A. Noire is a much more linear experience compared to GTA.


Audioholic Ninja
I got bored with GTA by the time i got halfway into GTA3 anyays :p

I was more interested in the Phoenix Wright comparision.


Audioholic Jedi
It is getting mixed reviews. One thing said no replayability, because the cases don't vary more do the results, and there is almost no way to die or lose. Still looks like my kind of game, though it said Heavy Rain was better.


Audioholic Ninja
It is getting mixed reviews. One thing said no replayability, because the cases don't vary more do the results, and there is almost no way to die or lose. Still looks like my kind of game, though it said Heavy Rain was better.
I have died and "lost" a number of times in this game. There is no game where you can ultimately lose as you can replay from a checkpoint an infinite amount of times. This is no different. On side missions I have died on a number occasions. On main cases I have failed by being shot, failed my interrogation on multiple suspects at the police station, being made while trailing a suspect etc. I have also falsely accused suspects that are now on death row.

While no matter what do with your clues, the case will eventually end. However, what you do and how well you complete the case will ultimately determine whether you get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 grade on your case. I have only received a 5 star rating on a small number of cases. The replayability for me will come in the form of trying to get 5 stars on each and every case after I get 100% completion.

I have hints turned off in the main menu and have never used "intuition points" while trying to find clues. Sometimes I have found all the clues, others I might be 2 or three clues off. I am usually not perfect on questioning witnesses either (truth, doubt, lie). This is where a lot of extra information might come from that I miss.
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Audioholic Jedi
Picked it up yesterday and it is pretty good :)

I've read plenty of reviews that complained about games that I ultimately liked.

Yes, you are correct that the whole "do over" thing is expected in any game. What I think they were talking about was that you can't get the interviews wrong. Like you said, it is whether or not you can get the right information from the interviews to solve each case. "Die" was probably the wrong word.


Audioholic Ninja
This game has a score of around 89.5 at gamerankings, so gaming sites have given this game very high reviews. User reviews are mixed because casual gamers see rockstar on the cover and expect RDR or GTA. Rockstar was just the publisher, team bondi is the developer. It's just simply not that type of game. I ultimately like the slower paced, story focused, attention to detail this game has to offer. Something different that is needed right now to get away from the heavy FPS, role playing, sandbox type games.

There is one part of the game so far that I "failed" my questioning of witnesses and ultimately had to replay those sequences.

Take off hints, auto-aim and the ability to skip sequences if you die to many times. Take your time exploring environments and this game really shines. I don't like using fast travel either.


Senior Audioholic
The game is pretty good and kinda of a new style. I've been having a pretty fun time with it. I think this style game in a nowadays setting would be pretty cool.

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