Never saw this in the theater, and bought a used multi-disc version. I throw in the bluray and waited quite awhile and it never started. So I threw in the DVD and watched it. I knew I had an update to do on the PS 3, so I figured I'd mess with it the next day. Did the update, still 'nothing', so I left it sitting there idle, went to my office to google the issue, got called in to my wife's office to answer a question, went back to read some responses, then all of a sudden, I hear the movie starting.

It had to be at least 10 minutes. We do have sat internet, so I'm sure that didn't help. Anyway way, just wanted to share to those who might not wait it out. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit, and will now have to watch the blu version, because it looked and sounded so much better than the dvd. after doing some sampling. gives it some good reviews.