Kinect Lag Can Be Eliminated, Says Developer



Audioholic Samurai
Kinect Lag Can Be Eliminated, Says Developer

Blitz Games CTO suggests that lag is something that will go away with new development techniques.
By Chris Pereira, 08/04/2010

One of the major concerns regarding Kinect ahead of its release this November is lag. Besides the lack of any physical feedback, the lag that some demonstrations have had between when a player moves and that action is registered on-screen has some people worried. But according to Blitz Games chief technical officer Andrew Oliver, the lag we've seen doesn't need to be there and could be eliminated by developers. Blitz Games is currently working on, among other things, The Biggest Loser for Kinect. Oliver was asked about the issue of Kinect lag in an interview with Gamasutra, and he explained that Blitz is not using a skeletal system like other fitness games which "takes a little bit of time to calculate." He said, "But this is all software-based, so where some people might see some little cracks, they're easily fixable by software."

Asked if there is any actual delay between the camera and what you see on the screen, Oliver explained, "It depends on what technology you're using. I have seen a few games with a bit of lag, but that is the software choice of the creators; they've programmed it a certain way, and they'll come up with new techniques. We will tighten and tighten it. There doesn't need to be a lag. We can get it down to maybe two frames behind, which is pretty insignificant; you won't notice. We're just learning new tricks. Ours is pretty tight."

Oliver likens the current learning process to developing for a new game console: "... game designers are running forward in a completely new area and learning this stuff. It's like any console. The first few games will look like nothing compared to second and third generation."

This isn't the first time a developer has suggested that lag won't be an issue; back in June, Rare's executive producer of technology and communications, Nick Burton, claimed, "Lag is not an issue." That was, however, what you would perhaps expect to hear from a Microsoft-owned developer. Blitz is arguably less likely to be biased, but whether or not that is indeed the case, hopefully lag really is an issue that we won't have to deal with in Kinect games for long.

Source: 1up


Audioholic Spartan
After seeing some more stuff demoed for the Kinect I may be very interested in getting one, but I doubt I'll pick one up at launch. I'll wait a while to see how they pan out and hopefully they won't take too long to drop in price. I already have the new 360 so I have a kinect port built right in.


Audioholic Slumlord
Object recognition using Kinect on the PC

This is huge step toward better (and open source) robotics - Visual Object recognition on the dime.

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Audioholic General
Of all the 3 motion systems, the Kinect is the best in my opinion. Removing the controller entirely was the way to go.


Audioholic Jedi
While I like the idea, if you don't have a controller, there are a number of things you can't do :) How exactly will they determine if you have pulled the trigger for that headshot? Gonna need a controller...otherwise the game play options are going to be somewhat limited.


Audioholic General
While I like the idea, if you don't have a controller, there are a number of things you can't do :) How exactly will they determine if you have pulled the trigger for that headshot? Gonna need a controller...otherwise the game play options are going to be somewhat limited.
Can't be any worse than playing a FPS on a console currently.


Audioholic Jedi
Can't be any worse than playing a FPS on a console currently.
I don't mean aiming, I mean there is no way to pull the trigger :) FPS on console is not that bad, but not the same as PC ;)


Audioholic Ninja
I seen an in store demo of the Kinect today. Watched the calibration and an individual playing a bit of the game River Rush where you stand on a raft and steer it by leaning left/right and jump...not my cup of tea.

Give me some Gears of War 3 instead. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Exactly. Was looking at the available games and the unit itself today. While the module itself looks cool and seems to work pretty well even in a crowded store, the currently available games look stupid and rather Wii-ish. Not that most of the games for Move are currently that great either, but they are better than these.


Audioholic Ninja
Exactly. Was looking at the available games and the unit itself today. While the module itself looks cool and seems to work pretty well even in a crowded store, the currently available games look stupid and rather Wii-ish. Not that most of the games for Move are currently that great either, but they are better than these.
The funny thing is after he was done playing he was blown away and thought it was so much fun. The guy looked like he was in his late 30's early 40's. All he did was lean left, lean right and jump occasionlly. The Kinect did work as promised. Different strokes for different folks I guess. The Wii and the Move does not appeal to me either. Call me old fashioned :).

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