Paid $15 for a Kenwood KR-6200. Tuner works, A, B, C, speakers work, all inputs work, lights all work.
L or R channel drops randomly when I first got it about a month ago. Left more than the right. When it happens, it's not a clean drop - usually static and distortion first.
I removed top (wood) cover and sprayed contact cleaner into the volume/balance control pot disks (on the KR-6200 the balance control is a ring over the volume knob) several times, as this seems to have better results than removing the bottom cover to get at the other pots (bass, mid, trebble, mode, input selector, speaker selector) which I did once.
With speakers connected, receiver powered on, there is more hiss/hum from the left speaker than the right, however it isn't noticed when playing music.
The balance control ring over the volume knob seems to have no effect on L/R balance until the ring is moved to the extreme left or right at which point it shuts down the opposite channel, but other than that there is no balance control.
The drops are less frequent after several cleanings but it still happens once in awhile, but now I can clear it up by fiddling with the volume/balance knobs.
Is it worth having this looked at? can the volume/balance controls be replaced? I think this unit dates back to early to mid 1970's.
Thanks for any advice,