
Junior Audioholic
Howdy everyone,
I purchased a Kenwood Basic M2 in good condition off of eBay recently. To my dismay the seller forgot to package the power cord that connects the amplifier to the wall socket. I tell him this and he tells me he will send the cord in the mail. It's been over 2 weeks and I still have not recieved it. I continue to ask him about it, and he no longer responds to my questions.

In the meantime I simply want to find this cord, I really want to listen to the new amp! I have a matching Kenwood Basic C-2 pre-amp that I have been unable to use as well.

My question is where can I find this cord? I have checked eBay and there have not been any for sale for the past 2 1/2 weeks, ever since I realized he did not send one. The problem with this particular cord is that it is similar in size to the standard device-to-wall-socket power cords (such as those that connect a computer to the wall)

The cord socket on the amplifier looks like this except with no ground and it is a rectangle with no point on the bottom. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812201007

(PS: If there is no where to buy one, I am open to learning how to modify one safely)


Audioholic Jedi
Are you looking for something like this?

If so, I did a Google search for "ungrounded power cord" and found this. There were other links, and other places that sell this cable.

Please let me know if this is what you were looking for. If it isn't, I'll keep looking.



Audioholic Jedi
Also at buy.com here and Amazon here. I've ordered from them and trust them. I've never heard of the place that was on the first link that I posted.


Junior Audioholic
Thank you! That should work!

I dont know why I didnt realize to Google ungrounded power cord, but luckily you did realize. :p

I'll probably end up getting it off of Amazon. And of course a CD with it too.:cool:


kenwood m2 and c2 (how much were they

hi adam,
just curious...how much did you pay for your m2 on ebay...and also the c2 as im trying to sell them and have no idea on prices people would pay...would be great to kow how much you paid!



M2 Amplifier

I have the same amp with no power cord. Just wondering if the cord mentioned worked for Headfoot or not? Thanks Jeremy

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