Howdy everyone,
I purchased a Kenwood Basic M2 in good condition off of eBay recently. To my dismay the seller forgot to package the power cord that connects the amplifier to the wall socket. I tell him this and he tells me he will send the cord in the mail. It's been over 2 weeks and I still have not recieved it. I continue to ask him about it, and he no longer responds to my questions.
In the meantime I simply want to find this cord, I really want to listen to the new amp! I have a matching Kenwood Basic C-2 pre-amp that I have been unable to use as well.
My question is where can I find this cord? I have checked eBay and there have not been any for sale for the past 2 1/2 weeks, ever since I realized he did not send one. The problem with this particular cord is that it is similar in size to the standard device-to-wall-socket power cords (such as those that connect a computer to the wall)
The cord socket on the amplifier looks like this except with no ground and it is a rectangle with no point on the bottom.
(PS: If there is no where to buy one, I am open to learning how to modify one safely)