On May 31, veteran actor and director Clint Eastwood will turn 80. To celebrate it, the following day Warner Home Video will release a slew of Eastwood movies on Blu-ray, including two box sets (the ten-film Clint Eastwood Collection, and the Essential Eastwood: Director's Collection), two more Eastwood double features (Where Eagles Dare / Kelly's Heroes and The Enforcer / Sudden Impact) and three individual Blu-rays (Absolute Power, Heartbreak Ridge and The Rookie). Finally, Eastwood's latest movie, Invictus, is also expected around that time, although it hasn't been officially announced yet.
The titles included in the Clint Eastwood Collection are: Absolute Power, Dirty Harry, Gran Torino, Kelly's Heroes, Letters from Iwo Jima, Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River, The Rookie, Unforgiven and Where Eagles Dare.
The Essential Eastwood: Director's Collection, in turn, consists of Letters from Iwo Jima, Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River and Unforgiven.