Anyone have any words of wisdom on this receiver? Seems to have everything I need and my only expreience with JVC was a nice 6 disc CD player about 10+ years ago, that I never had issue with, it is currently being used by my brother, still working like a champ.
For only $400, I am having a hard time finding reasons NOT to buy this.
I currently will hook it up to my Samsung 56" HL-S5686W, my Oppo DV-970HD, my SA 8300HD-DVR (time warner cable) and for speakers, an 8 year old set of Polk Rt-600's, Polk M series rear surrounds, also around 8 years old and a Polk center channel cs225, again eight years old. All speakers still perform fine, though not great, but they sound the same now they did back then. I plan on upgrading my speakers in the next year or so after I buy a receiver.
I am just looking for anything that jumps out from you experts here that says "no, avoid this JVC receiver".
Thoughts? I only have about $500 to spend before the wife starts buying stuff SHE wants since I jus tbought the TV and Oppo in the last 2 weeks.