JVC R-X330V Problem --->



Hey guys new member here looking for help. I hope you can help me! :p

Ok, I have sort of a Dilemma with our family audio receiver placed in the family room of our house. The receiver is setup like this: 4 speakers/250w RMS=62.5w/chan. I believe. We have setup 2 Sony Bookshelf speakers, and 2 KLH Mini outdoor ment speakers each on a separate speaker set on the receiver which allows 4 total speakers, 2 on each set. This is used for Radio, CDs, TV broadcast amplifying, etc. When we turn it on, and start playing music out of the speakers from any source most of the time the speakers wont have leveled volume levels. Like speaker set 1 speaker #1, and speaker set 2 speaker#2 will be at full volume, but speaker set 1 speaker #2 will be faint sounding/not at all audible along with Speaker set 2 speaker #1. We have to tap on the top, sides, or front if the receiver like giving it a slap to get it to adjust the volume equally between speakers. This recently has been taking more and more slaps/bangs to get it to work correctly, and I am concerned it will go out one of these days. Since its an OLD receiver (80/90's??) I'm thinking maybe a bad cap on a capacitor? No idea. Once we get all speakers at full volume however it will work until it is shut off. Once cooled and switched back on again the receiver seems to start having problems once again. Does anyone out there know a possible cause of this, and if it is repairable?

Link to ebay auction showing pictures of unit. http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=50596&item=5783507007&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Welcome to the site.

Your receiver is most likely 30 watts per channel, and not meant to drive more than one set of speakers at a time. The seller/post on ebay is completely misleading, stating a very light 17lb receiver is very powerful, and also stating power output per channel of 125 watts, is actually the power consumption! Two different animals. Since the unit is probably 20 years old, it most likely has some lose solder points. It's hanging on by a thread right now. You can see the street value by the ebay post, so use it until it completely dies, and upgrade to a better unit when the budget permits.


Alright. Thanks alot for your help and for replying to my post! :) I guess I'll inform my parents that they should "bang it to death" then get a new one after it dies :D

Thanks (again), Dave
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
dchrsf said:
Alright. Thanks alot for your help and for replying to my post! :) I guess I'll inform my parents that they should "bang it to death" then get a new one after it dies :D

Thanks (again), Dave
Let your parents know it's from a reliable source. Here's my first receiver.



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