Let me firt start by saying that I've been an avid self prclaimed audiophile since I was about 16 years old. Im now 34. It happened when I walked into our local HiFi shop and there were some Carver freeair speakers (forget the model no.) and a McIntosh Amp and Pre amp. They had Chicago playing (of all things!) - a CD I happen to have and the 3 dimentionality was amazing. I decided from that moment on I was to achieve this.
Fast forward 18 years and thousands of dollars spent on various pieces of equiment incrementally inching upwards towards my goal (not the best way by the way) I ended up with two systems.
Hi end (or my budgests worth of) and Theater.
My "hi end" consists of Vandersteen Speakers, Conrad Jonson MF 100 amp, Acuras Preamp an Adcom line conditioner, and a California Audio Labs DX-1 CD player. I know, old equipment, and bottom rung Hi end at best - but it does sound quite good. Oh, too much money spent on cables!!!!
My "home theater" consists of the just purchased Denon AVR-2805, Klipsch Reference speakers, MK subwoofer (I think 125). A 36" Sony, XBR Wega HD TV, and Sony DVD player (definately need to upgrade for DVD-A)
My goal for this receiver was to be able to combine my Hi Fi with My home theater. Which it has done quite well. I run my pre outs to my CJ amp that runs the Vandersteens and use the receiver for the HT speakers.
I have a couple questions:
1. What would be a good DVD-A component to buy concidering the equipment I have. I don't want too spend too much or too little. This DVD-A thing I'm just starting to read about and understand.
2. I know the 3805 can be bi-amped, can the 2805?
3. Seeing what equiment I have is there any suggestions anybody give on how to optimize this receiver. I've never mixed home and hi fi, I've always called it a no no. But realizing that I never use my Hi fi anymore, b/c it is not in the living room I figured I give this set up a try.
So for I am quite impressed with the Denon. Not enough living with it yet to give my full impressions, but very nice, and sounds good so far.
btw - Acuras Pre Amp for sell