Just Acquired a McIntosh MHT200



I just received a new to me MHT200 over the weekend and will be getting familiar with it and figuring out how best to use it eitherr to integrate into my current system, setup as separate, or.....(?).

The good news is this was free to me from my uncle who found it in his detached large garage that was setup as a mancave of sorts. He didn't want it and was gracious enough to gift it to me even knowing it was worth a bit. So, for $110 in shipping it's mine. That's the good. The bad - either the front glass was cracked or it cracked in transit (more likely). It was packaged in the original carton but sounds this happens even when packaged correctly.

I don't have any specific plans or expectations for it yet, but am a bit excited and intrigued to learn more about it an refine my knowledge on my HT/audio system. I don't tend to need the latest greatest and the room I have my HT set up in doesn't lend itself to speaker placement for ATMOS or really anything past 5.1 or 6.1. So not having HDMI doesn't really bother me at this point as I don't have that now for video switching or audio.

My system for my living room HT and audio consists of:
Vizio PX65-G1 4k TV
Yamaha Rx-V1400 AVR
PSB Image 5T Fronts
PSB Image 8C Center
PSB Image 1B L/R Surrounds
Marantz CC47 CD Changer
Sony BDB BX58 Blu Ray Player
Also broke out my old Technics SL-Q350 TT and thinking of reconnecting my Technics RSB57R Cassette deck

Initially, just trying to figure out how best I can use the MHT200 in conjuntion with the above. Also, that I may slowly try to do some additions or upgrades along the way (add a SW, upgrade speakers, add amp, etc)

So far everything seems to be working and initial impressions are that it sounds good. Don't think it's confirmation bias, but it does seem to drive the speakers a bit better than the Yamaha. Here's a silly question I guess, but it is a much higher quality piece of gear so it should be noticeably better (depending on speakers of course). Anyway, I'm pretty happy so far and looking forward to setting it up better. Any tips on doing the setup with respect to the speakers mentioned above?

Being that the RX V1400 and the MHT are roughly the same age (2004 ish?), which is better for connecting and processing for HT? Should I use the Yamaha as a pre-amp and connect to the MHT for the amplifiers only, or use the MHT for the HT processing/sound fields? And is it ok to connect audio sources thru the Yamaha or better to connect direct? I was surprised to see no phono preamp on the MHT so I'll either need to connect thru the Yamaha or get a separate phone preamp.



Audioholic Jedi
I just received a new to me MHT200 over the weekend and will be getting familiar with it and figuring out how best to use it eitherr to integrate into my current system, setup as separate, or.....(?).

The good news is this was free to me from my uncle who found it in his detached large garage that was setup as a mancave of sorts. He didn't want it and was gracious enough to gift it to me even knowing it was worth a bit. So, for $110 in shipping it's mine. That's the good. The bad - either the front glass was cracked or it cracked in transit (more likely). It was packaged in the original carton but sounds this happens even when packaged correctly.

I don't have any specific plans or expectations for it yet, but am a bit excited and intrigued to learn more about it an refine my knowledge on my HT/audio system. I don't tend to need the latest greatest and the room I have my HT set up in doesn't lend itself to speaker placement for ATMOS or really anything past 5.1 or 6.1. So not having HDMI doesn't really bother me at this point as I don't have that now for video switching or audio.

My system for my living room HT and audio consists of:
Vizio PX65-G1 4k TV
Yamaha Rx-V1400 AVR
PSB Image 5T Fronts
PSB Image 8C Center
PSB Image 1B L/R Surrounds
Marantz CC47 CD Changer
Sony BDB BX58 Blu Ray Player
Also broke out my old Technics SL-Q350 TT and thinking of reconnecting my Technics RSB57R Cassette deck

Initially, just trying to figure out how best I can use the MHT200 in conjuntion with the above. Also, that I may slowly try to do some additions or upgrades along the way (add a SW, upgrade speakers, add amp, etc)

So far everything seems to be working and initial impressions are that it sounds good. Don't think it's confirmation bias, but it does seem to drive the speakers a bit better than the Yamaha. Here's a silly question I guess, but it is a much higher quality piece of gear so it should be noticeably better (depending on speakers of course). Anyway, I'm pretty happy so far and looking forward to setting it up better. Any tips on doing the setup with respect to the speakers mentioned above?

Being that the RX V1400 and the MHT are roughly the same age (2004 ish?), which is better for connecting and processing for HT? Should I use the Yamaha as a pre-amp and connect to the MHT for the amplifiers only, or use the MHT for the HT processing/sound fields? And is it ok to connect audio sources thru the Yamaha or better to connect direct? I was surprised to see no phono preamp on the MHT so I'll either need to connect thru the Yamaha or get a separate phone preamp.

Sorry to prick your bubble, but that unit is not worth the shipping cost. That is an AVR from 2003, and has very limited usefulness. Any AV unit made before the analog sunset and certainly pre HDMI has very, very limited application. Not only that but the technology has improved in this arenas and its audio and video capabilities are not even comparable to current and even to units of a few years ago.

A close friend had the AVP equivalent. In other words less the amps He had the Mac AVP and I had Rotel AVP. Fortunately my Rotel was cheaper than that Mac, think goodness, as we both only had a few limited years of use from both our units.

It may say Mac on the Logo, but is uses early emerging AV technology and it is long superseded. There is no way to put that unit to good use, and it will be easily eclipsed by very much cheaper current units.


Well, thanks for your great input. I think I stated I know it's age and limitations. Not everyone needs or wants the latest or to spend a butt load of money on home theatre or audio equipment. What's not worth it to you may be worth it to me or someone else. I think it's worth $100.

Typical. Please don't bother to reply.


Audioholic Jedi
Well, thanks for your great input. I think I stated I know it's age and limitations. Not everyone needs or wants the latest or to spend a butt load of money on home theatre or audio equipment. What's not worth it to you may be worth it to me or someone else. I think it's worth $100.

Typical. Please don't bother to reply.
Well I will. Look it up the laws enacted for Digital Right Management have made units like that useless except as analog audio units. But used as such they are very awkward. Try hitching it up to a current TV and disc player and you will quickly find out I am correct.


Full Audioholic
Sorry to prick your bubble, but that unit is not worth the shipping cost.
More cr*p from the all knowing. I really thought we had seen the last of you, It would seem you have managed to get out of the "Blocked" list.

As for mphCo, good luck with your purchase, Those things where built like the preverbal out-house, and will do just about everything a so called modern unit will do, Off cause you have avoided all the handshake problems that comes with HDMI.

As to cost / price that model still makes good money on Audio Mart And unlike some of these modern AVR's Service repairs / upgrades are readily available.


Thanks for the reply mono-bloc. Since it was free (only shipping of $100), figured it would be interesting to investigate and have. It certainly is a beast. Not ever having considered a MCintosh this is a kind of cool novelty and opportunity to learn for me. Even with what I have, I'm not using my receiver for any hdmi connections, sound, or switching. Any HDMI sources are connected thru my TV and then audio by optical back to the receiver.

My main question or thing I'm going to experiment with is how best to use it. Seems there is a way to use it for the amplifiers as that part is likely better than my Yamaha. And maybe in the future connect an updated external processor to it. So the first main question is can I or should I use the Yamaha for processing or the MHT? And will the RX V1400 work well as a preamp?


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks for the reply mono-bloc. Since it was free (only shipping of $100), figured it would be interesting to investigate and have. It certainly is a beast. Not ever having considered a MCintosh this is a kind of cool novelty and opportunity to learn for me. Even with what I have, I'm not using my receiver for any hdmi connections, sound, or switching. Any HDMI sources are connected thru my TV and then audio by optical back to the receiver.

My main question or thing I'm going to experiment with is how best to use it. Seems there is a way to use it for the amplifiers as that part is likely better than my Yamaha. And maybe in the future connect an updated external processor to it. So the first main question is can I or should I use the Yamaha for processing or the MHT? And will the RX V1400 work well as a preamp?
You can use it as a power amp, as there are jumpers. The 8 amps are rated 70 watts into 8 ohms. So you will have to decide if you want to use a big box like that for amps of that spec.


Audioholic Spartan
With a 5.1 setup and an optical connection, nothing will be really lost or gained with either unit and you can use each as processor or amp. So, have fun with them.


Audioholic Ninja
Looking at the back panels and specs, both AVRs have very similar connections so there is no particular benefit of one over the other. The Yamaha actually has a higher power rating at 110W/ch vs the 85W (5 channels drive) of the Mac. Amplifiers have very linear / flat frequency responses so there will not be any tonal difference between the amplifier sections. The difference will be primarily in the audio processing in the pre-amp stages. I would not attempt to use both together. If you're happy with analogue sources, choose one and enjoy.


Audioholic Jedi
Me, I would probably repair the mac and sell it, people pay crazy money for that stuff. Have you looked into repair costs if you're going to keep it?


Thanks for the replies. Gives me some things to think about. I was thinking that the output power for the Mac was more but hadn't looked at it closely enough I guess. My initial feeling is that it sounded better, but I'm not above admitting it might just be a bit of confirmation bias. Would there be any benefit to just using the Mac to power the fronts? But that could just be adding unnecessary complication.

I'll have to reconnect to the Yamaha now after listening to the Mac for a bit and see if I notice a diference. It might be a wash. But either way it's kind of fun to play around with as I learn about it.

I haven't looked into repair yet. I'm pretty good at repair, but it sounds like the front panel could be a tricky process? A new front panel seems to be $150-$250 for the part, not sure on labor. If I could find a local (Colorado) repair source I'd be more likely to fix it to avoid shipping. Seems like shipping is a crap shoot.
So I'll play with it a while and then might end up selling it to finance a different upgrade.

Thanks again.


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks. I'd found the user manual but not a service manual. Unfortunately that site requires an account login to download and they're not accepting any new registrations.
Not accepting new ones? Not heard that before. Probably too big for me to attach here.....

ps yep, tried, too large....if you really want I could put it in a google cloud thingie for ya


So this is probably a stupid question. Was just browsing different A/V recievers and amp specs and I see that many amps, unless you get pretty high in price are in the 85-100W range anyway. And, new A/V receivers spec output at say 110W/ch @8ohms with 2 channels driven. But the RX V1400 the spec is 110W for 7 channels each, no reduction for increased channels driven. Just wondering if newer A/V recievers just not spec'd as high?


Audioholic Jedi
So this is probably a stupid question. Was just browsing different A/V recievers and amp specs and I see that many amps, unless you get pretty high in price are in the 85-100W range anyway. And, new A/V receivers spec output at say 110W/ch @8ohms with 2 channels driven. But the RX V1400 the spec is 110W for 7 channels each, no reduction for increased channels driven. Just wondering if newer A/V recievers just not spec'd as high?
You're just running into some of the vagueness of specs to a degree. Without looking, doubtful the RXV1400 was doing all channels driven at 110W, more likely thats just a 2ch rating (but each channel being capable of such amplification, just not simultaneously, which is a very rare thing anyways in terms of simultaneous demands).


Yeah this is the message from Hi Fi Engine:
Account Registration
Sorry, but we are not accepting new registrations at this time.

Registered users can Log In as normal.

If you need to reset your password please use the Request New Password form.

For other queries, please read our FAQ for answers to frequently aslked questions.

If you could share it, that would be great. Looked around a little and some sites might be questionable.


You're just running into some of the vagueness of specs to a degree. Without looking, doubtful the RXV1400 was doing all channels driven at 110W, more likely thats just a 2ch rating (but each channel being capable of such amplification, just not simultaneously, which is a very rare thing anyways in terms of simultaneous demands).
That sounds reasonable, seems it would be a pretty high spec otherwise.


Audioholic Jedi
Another consideration is how much advantage a few watts per channel can be, or rather how little advantage......it takes a doubling of power to gain a mere 3dB spl advantage. Wonder why hifiengine is being limited, my spideysense says that's not good. Yeah, I can share with you, send me a personal message.


Audioholic Ninja
So this is probably a stupid question. Was just browsing different A/V recievers and amp specs and I see that many amps, unless you get pretty high in price are in the 85-100W range anyway. And, new A/V receivers spec output at say 110W/ch @8ohms with 2 channels driven. But the RX V1400 the spec is 110W for 7 channels each, no reduction for increased channels driven. Just wondering if newer A/V recievers just not spec'd as high?
I'm using a nearly 20 year old Denon 3805 as a two channel amp. Granted, it makes 120wpc, but the fact that it's an obsolete 7 channel, pre HDMI AVR, never crosses my mind. It just keeps going and going and I beat the crap out of it. Sometimes it helps to recall how good all of this stuff was back then, and outside of some advances with room correction and connectivity, the equipment was still enough to wow the senses, so. . .

I would use it for another setup, perhaps for music, employing some efficient bookshelf or larger speakers and a sub just to play with, even if occasionally. 85 W is not bad, especially if you can find some speakers with a sensitivity over 90db, if you're into the loud stuff.

There's no rule that says we can't hoard audio equipment and find some novelty about it that we enjoy, regardless. I can't imagine being stuck on a single system or prescribed way to entertain myself. My moods change like the weather. Sometimes I like slumming it with older consumer gear and that unit looks pretty cool to me.

I have amps from 8wpc on up to 200 wpc. The 8wpc amps on my main speakers is a blast to listen to and it will run most people out of the house with the SPL that combo makes, at about half power.

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