Hi, today I bought a Jensen SPX-17 subwoofer, a Pioneer VSX-D1011 amp, and some Wharfedales. I have my sub plugged into the Subwoofer pre-amp outpus on the amp with an RCA connection, my Wharfedales plugged into the speaker input and have my amp plugged into my laptop with a RCA-3.5mm jack converter. When I play music on my laptop, with my sub on full, the Wharfedale towers sound fine, but the Jensen only gets the really rumbly bits in songs, but it has no punch to it. For example, in techno songs, during the main beat, when a normal sub is thumping away at the floor, the Jensen is making a really quiet muffled sound. If anyone knows why this is happening, it would be very much apretiated
