
Junior Audioholic
:):)Hi All,:):)
I am just about to go out and purchase a set of Studio 60's and a DSP3200.... and just wanted to share it.. happy happy joy joy... been waiting a long time to update my jamo surround system and this is the start of it....Listen to you later....:):):):):):)


Audioholic Spartan
Looks like an upgade to me.
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Junior Audioholic
I have a Jamo surround system E875 fronts with the E8 Surround package. I run this with a Sony STDBR980 as a pre for my fronts into a Rotel RB981 amp and let the Sony power the centre and rears.
I plan to have Studio 60s' as fronts with a CC590 centre and Studio 20s' for rears. I have been looking for a second hand Rotel RB981 so I can bridge two of them for my fronts ( I cant sell my RB981 for sentimental reasons... I just cant) and I will be getting a Denon AVR2309 to power centre and rears and pre amp hopefully two Rotels. This is fed with a Denon 1940 dvd player and soon a Hi Def Tivo into a 50 inch Panasonic plasma full HD that I already have.


Junior Audioholic
I dont know what it means either but if it means happy happy joy joy ,, i agree. Too bad for me I live in Australia I have to wait until November to get the 60's in the colour I want........ Like a kid waiting for Christmas now..:):):D:D


Well it will be worth the wait. Congratulations on your purchase....


Junior Audioholic
Thanks Jamie2112. I will let you know what they sound like when I get them.:D


Junior Audioholic
Well they are here finally..... a week ago. I set them up last Saturday afternoon and WOW. I knew they would sound better but the difference was exceptional. Have not had much time to listen ( Xmas is here again) but they are so clear and precise. They just go further up and further down than any thing I have had before. AWESOME>>>> They dont annoy my ears at higher levels like the Jamo's did. They were good for what they were but hey.,... Paradigms trump them and so they should for the price out here. Got lucky with that too. Paradigm just had a 20% + price rise and the store did a deal for the old price so I was extremely happy about that.

So I now have the following.

Panasonic 50 inch Plasma
Denon DVD1930
Rotel RCD 972 Pre
Rotel RB981 Bridged Mono x 2
Paradigm Studio 60
Paradigm DSP 3200

Centre and rears to come after Xmas now as I spent too much.
I dont know how much difference it made as I changed everything at once but because of the wait for the speakers I went and bought Van Den Hull interconnects and Chord Silverscreen speaker cable as well. All up it sounds real nice at moment and I cant wait for a few days off to kick back and listen to some favourite tracks.
See ya.:D

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