If you haven't heard her name by now, I'm sure you will. You see Jammie Thomas is the single mother sued by the RIAA for sharing 24 songs. This case will be used as the guinea pig for upcoming litigation. She has the dubious honor of being the first person brought to trial for the infraction, and has become the rallying icon for those opposed to the RIAA's draconian, heavy fisted method of curtailing file sharing. Despite an inept judge and lack of evidence she was ordered to pay $222,000.00 to the Recording Industry Association of America. Thomas' attorney is still continuing the fight, filing a motion stating the penalty to be excessive and unconstitutional. The RIAA's actual damage was $151.20 with the actual songs having a face value of about $24.00. The RIAA for it's trouble has stated that it has no plans to back down, they state "We seek to resolve this case in a fair and reasonable manner it's unfortunate that the defendant continues to avoid responsibility for her actions. We will continue to defend our rights." Personally I'm against stealing material from artists, publishers, musicians, but this case has been taken to a ridiculous level by the RIAA in order to make a point, this is akin to throwing an 8 year old into a maximum security state penitentiary for stealing a candy bar. Should she be punished? Absolutely. Should she be railroaded and made an example of? Absolutely not! Let the punishment fit the crime, she shouldn't pay excessive fines in which the majority of the money will go to the attorneys anyway. She doesn't have that kind of money to begin with and she's a single mom, cut her some slack. Rapists, murderers get better breaks than this. And pray tell how does she continue to avoid responsibility for her actions? She hired an attorney who is defending her, how does the RIAA consider this avoiding responsibility for her actions? Will this backfire on the RIAA? No, we tend to have a limited span of attention, we will forget this soon, unless you're using some P2P site to get files and one sunny day you get a letter in the mail from the RIAA telling you to sell your home because you're going to have pay them for all those songs you "borrowed." Again let me make myself clear, I don't condone stealing copyrighted material, but outdated, draconian efforts meant to intimidate and harass are no excuse for the RIAA to destroy a person's life.