Hello everyone, I’m kind of at a loss here. I just added a Klipsch subwoofer to my setup to complete my 2.1 set up. Not knowing that it’s basically totally worthless to run YPAO with a 2.1 setup, I ran it. After it was complete, I immediately went to jam some music and noticed the music sounded distorted. Turned it up more, and yep, definitely was distorted and sounded terrible. So I go to see what YPAO had set my speakers to. For some reason, it had set my front speakers to LARGE and turned the db on both to +10. I immediately set everything back to normal but now the front speakers sound...blown? They sound muddy or fuzzy, definitely not as clear they were. Did the YPAO just destroy my speakers? If it helps, here is my set up
Yamaha RX V385
DCM TP260 Towes
Klipsch R12SW