A bout four - five years ago, mrsw and I bought two identical Lenovo laptops. Nothing fancy, jut something to surf the net and do documents and spreadsheets.
Anyhow, about a year ago, wife's unit wouldn't load windows. It would show a graphic saying it was trying to load windows but got no further. "the guy" said her hard drive died and the cost to replacwe it and buy windows made us think it's better to simply get her a new computer.
So, we did, but I kept her old one planning on taking the hard drive and trashing it before deep 6ing it. Well, I kept on putting it off.
So, last week my Lenovo wouldn't boot. nothing. nada. zilch. dead as the proverbial doornail.
So, I take it to "the guy" and he says my motherboard died and it isn't worth replacing it. He was able to save all my data off the hard drive, which meant that was still good. I started surfing for a new computer.
Then, a lightning bolt struck! I dug out wife's old computer and asked if we could simply put my good hard drive in her identical computer, which had a good motherboard but a dead hard drive.
It worked!!! ...and only cost me a few bucks, a mere fraction of what a new computer, and transferring my data, would cost. They had to touch up a few things but it was still dirt cheap.
So, I now call it my Frankenputer.