Pioneer Elite Plasma
So far, I love it. I've had it less than a month, and had problems with my cable providing a high def feed for about a week. Once the problems were resolved, it's pretty sweet. The picture is extremely accurate, and is everything I wanted in a plasma.
You'll read a lot of articles about a problem with buzzing from the actual plasma unit, which has apparently been resolved recently. Make certain that you are getting a relently manufactured unit, rather than an older unit. The problem seemed to be related to the layers of glass used on the plasma screen - something wasn't completely compatible, and the buzzing couldn't be silenced. Apparently, very annoying. Anyway, no problems with units manufactured 12/04 or later.
I debated between the Panasonic Industrial unit, the Panasonic Onyx and the Pioneer Elite. In the end, after seeing the Panny next to the Pioneer, it became clear to me which unit I wanted. I'm not really certain that I need the ISF calibration, but that's why I'm writing the this forum, hoping those members that have gone throught the process can provide good, thoughtful advice on whether or not the exercise (and money) would be wasted on such a venture.
Thanks, and good luck.