My older Denon(s) switch to the native format for what is playing, per input, and remember it. It wouldn't know the particular subject matter, just whether it's say 2.0 or a Dolby Digital or Dolby Digital + 5.1 signal, etc; it can also remember if I use a non-native sound mode. I usually set the input on the avr that has my video streaming/tv needs (the media player input via fire stick) to play 2.0 (stereo) content to upmix via Dolby Prologic II (I have a slightly older Denon so no Dolby Surround

). When it gets a stream with Dolby Digital + in 5.1 it will remember my sound mode preference for that codec. The avr remembers that I want upmixed or not until I change it again....I think yours probably still has that feature.
There are also some quick buttons you can program for specific setups I believe, think that feature has remained as well.