I agree. In a great many instances I can't hear a difference btwn the high-rez and 16bit versions of older recordings. Where I do hear differences is with newer recordings, esp ones that use the high-rez process bottom up. Unfortunately, not many of these have been produced that aren't in either the classical, or jazz genres. This has been a big dissapointment to me
. Don't get me wrong I love both Classical and Jazz, and own numerous high-rez titles, but their overall sales are down dramatically in recent years, even more so than other formats. Not exactly a great way to foster new interest in hi-rez recordings with the general buying public. As you stated before, you almost guarantee that this product will become a niche player and become susceptible to subsequent fading. My problem is, that I don't understand why this has to be. The answers seem to be fairly clear to me. Release new high-rez recordings using popular new talent on high-rez media. Think bigger, not smaller.