I've had my AVR 230 far just over a year now and it's work flawlessly up until just today.
Sometime in the last week my right rear channel speaker wire was either pinched off, came uplugged or got broken etc (speaker didn't work). Rather than try to figure out what had happened I decided to simply replace both rear channel speaker wires with a heavier gauge. After plugging everything back in I noticed that my left rear speaker wasn't working. I swapped out the speaker for the right rear and it works fine. Next I tried swapping the wires out, left for right, again no change, the right rear was still working, and still no sound from the left rear. I got out my digital multimeter and did some testing. After unplugging both rear channel speakers and turning the unit off (not simply standby mode) I read roughly 700 ohms from each of the rear channels. When I turn the unit back on, the right rear channel reads about 4 ohms where the left rear output read about 22 ohms. Did the left channel output get fried somehow when I was plugging the speakers back in or something?
Is this something simple that and extended powerdown will reset software or something, or is this a "send it in for repairs" kind of problem with which something was physically damaged?