Hi, new guy here, semi well versed in HT setups (I know just enough to be dangerous) in the midst of upgrading my reciever and front speakers.
The reciever I'm upgrading to is an Onkyo HT-RT360, I upgraded the main speakers to Cerwin Vega XLS 6 series, L/R/C , and planning on using my old CV E706'es for the L/R surrounds. I'm thinking that if possible with no major risk/audio quality issue is to repurpose my old CV V5C center speaker as the surround back speaker for both L and R channels.....is this a bad idea? If so how? Any advice or suggestions is most welcome.
Thank in advance, if the center speker idea is a bad one I do have an unopend set of CV VE5'es that I could use as the backs....but if the center will work without issue I might send those back.