Hi Shek,
I'd follow basic troubleshooting guidelines to try and isolate the problem.
Is it an issue with a specific speaker? Does volume play a role (and are you cranking it to get this problem)? Does the problem crop up with other sources/material? etc
I know from personal experience with a recent issue that these things can be frustrating to track down. I had some crackling coming out of my left surround speaker with movies at spirited but not extremely high volumes. Well, I switched the wiring on the back of my receiver and the crackling switched to the right surround, which verified that the speaker wasn't the culprit. I was starting to notice the problem with multiple films, so it wasn't just one piece of media. However, when I cranked music in 5 channel stereo mode which will really stress my receiver a lot more than a movie which doesn't really push much through the surround channels...no crackling, just clear as a bell which cleared the potential that I was over driving the receiver. I came to the conclusion that my blu ray player was the problem, and fortunately it started giving other signs that it was on its way out. After replacing it, keeping my fingers crossed, but no problems since. Moral of the story: don't assume anything. Isolate and test the individual pieces.