I just mounted my center channel above my tv and was seeing if I liked the way it looked better with or without the grill when I noticed what look like some kind of little bumps on the speaker cone. There are seven of them and they look like maybe there some kind of injection mold marks.
This is as close as I can describe them. The bumps are about a half millimeter in height in a hexagonal pattern. There are a total of seven with two bumps next to each other and the rest evenly spaced apart. Here is a bad drawing. Ignore periods, used them as spaces. Bumps look like the asteriks.
The speaker is an M&K LCR851 Center. The bumps are on both woofers, but are much more pronounced on one than the other. I checked all my other speakers and none of them have anything like this.
M&K has a solid ten year warranty. But I don't really want to send it back if it's not a problem and be without a speaker for a while.
Has anyone ever seen something like this? Will it affect sound (so far it sounds fine to me)? Is it a defect or something normal? Any ideas?