Infinity TSS-750 Vs Energy Act6




I will be back from my vacation to purchase my System and because of the wife (Approved Looks) I am looking at the TSS-750 and Energy Act 6. We will be using it 50-50 for music and movies. Which system do you guys recommends. I also was looking at the Mirage Nanostat but after reading the forum I am between the Energy and Infinity.

I cannot wait to get back from vacation for order my system.



Audioholic Warlord
The Energy system is far superior to the infinity system. The sats have a much better bass response then the infinities, and the subwoofer for the Energy set is of a higher quality.

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Same Parent Company

Thanks Sheep

I notice that Energy and Mirage are own by the same company. How does the Act6 compares to the Mirage Nanosat




Audioholic Warlord
The Nano sat will have a much wider soundstage at the expence of imaging.

I would use the Nanosat system for Movies or background music only. Music needs to image well inorder to give you the best experience, and the nanosats tend to blur.

On the other hand, they would be a great surround system for a movie. The rears would disperse sound all over the rear sound field, and really bring you into the movie.

The subwoofers are basically the same. 6 of one, half a dozen of another ;).



Senior Audioholic
I don't know how well they're voicematched, but if its even reasonably close, you may want to consider three Act 6s for the fronts and the nanosats for the rears (if you can purchase them separately like that).


Senior Audioholic

I have never posted on here and have read some pretty "interesting opinions" but I had to voice my thoughts on this.

I completely dissagree! How can the Energy system have "better bass response" with an 8" 80 watt sub? The Infinity's sub blows that away with a CMMD 150 watt 10". The sat drivers are the same size for both systems and Infinity's CMMD cones are really really nice for the price point. And the Infinity set is much better looking (my opinion). The sub alone wins it on style points. The system also comes with brackets for mounting. I have had extensive experience with both sets of speakers and the Infinity is hands down the way to go. Home Theater Magazine gave the Infinity a 95 out of 100 for performance. Go with that.... no brainer!


Audioholic Warlord
InTheIndustry said:
I have never posted on here and have read some pretty "interesting opinions" but I had to voice my thoughts on this.

I completely dissagree! How can the Energy system have "better bass response" with an 8" 80 watt sub? The Infinity's sub blows that away with a CMMD 150 watt 10". The sat drivers are the same size for both systems and Infinity's CMMD cones are really really nice for the price point. And the Infinity set is much better looking (my opinion). The sub alone wins it on style points. The system also comes with brackets for mounting. I have had extensive experience with both sets of speakers and the Infinity is hands down the way to go. Home Theater Magazine gave the Infinity a 95 out of 100 for performance. Go with that.... no brainer!
First off, driver size has nothing to do with bass extension. Secondly, the Enery sub is rated to 30Hz, while the Infinity one is rated to 34. Also, the Energy is 80RMS, 300Peak. Lastly, The Energy sats have a better bass response, which is what I was refering to. Because they can go lower, you can set the crossover lower and help get rid of localized bass.

Looks have nothing to do with performance. Remember M&K?

If you like the infinity system thats great, go right a review, but personal opinions are just that, opinions. I have had a great deal of experience with all the energy products, and they get my vote.



Senior Audioholic
Right on the fact sheet, wrong in principle and application.

First off how much "bass extension" will you really get out of a 3.5" driver? It's laughable to look at that number on paper and assume that it makes a large difference. In application the extra 2" on the sub and extra 70 watts RMS (the difference between the two subs that was glossed over) would certainly make up for that.

Second, I was wrong. The 750 uses MMD drivers (still a good product) and not CMMD.

Third, the Infinity 10" peaks at 500 watts and is incredibly nicer and more accurate than the Energy 8". I have heard and compaired both several times at trade shows and in homes of owners as well as my own.

Fourth, the poster asked about the differences between the two models that's why I spoke up about the infinity.

And if your wife is narrowing your choices based on appearance, then I would say that looks are a factor.


Audioholic Warlord
InTheIndustry said:
First off how much "bass extension" will you really get out of a 3.5" driver? It's laughable to look at that number on paper and assume that it makes a large difference. In application the extra 2" on the sub and extra 70 watts RMS (the difference between the two subs that was glossed over) would certainly make up for that.

Second, I was wrong. The 750 uses MMD drivers (still a good product) and not CMMD.

Third, the Infinity 10" peaks at 500 watts and is incredibly nicer and more accurate than the Energy 8". I have heard and compaired both several times at trade shows and in homes of owners as well as my own.

Fourth, the poster asked about the differences between the two models that's why I spoke up about the infinity.

And if your wife is narrowing your choices based on appearance, then I would say that looks are a factor.
Infinity sat. 120Hz-3dB

Energy sat. 90Hz-3dB.

30Hz is a big difference.

The Energy sub has 1.49Inches of Excurson. Lets see that out of date infinity driver do that ;). I have heard the Infinity and Energy subs, and I personally liked the Energy. If you like the Infinity, so be it. I'm not here to sway you, and tell you your wrong, because its all relative.

Ok, WAF. First off, I'm 18, so no WAF ;) , but lets compare anyway. 10inch sub with much larger cabinet, bad WAF. Ugly looking sats, bad WAF. Looks like the energy is a WAF friendly system, No?



Senior Audioholic
Fair Enough

I can understand the ideas behind your reasoning. With smaller sub-sat systems I tend to go the anit-Bose route which is to say that a small driver (like a 3.5") doesn't really produce much low-end and thus a more powerful sub is needed to compensate. I recognize that sound is objective and has many variables. The TSS Infinity systems have all gotten stellar reviews accross the industry. It's tough to find a bad word about them. I'm 25 and the WAF factor is not of concern to me either (my wife is THE best!). But, I personaly like my equipment to sound AND look great. The person who started this thread, seems to have the same values. As far as the Infinity sub being ugly, I have to dissagree. It's really different in it's design and is about as unobtrusive of a sub you'll ever find. But, to each their own. I hope that "jdelgado89" is happy with whatever he chooses. Both of them are nice mid-level sub/sat theaters. :)

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