if you are planning on spending at least 1000 bones on a speaker system, there are better choices. the modulus is a phenemonal system for a sat/sub system, but is still just that, a sat/sub system. imo youd do well to get a more traditional ht system along the lines of the primus line, 360's or 250's as left/right mains. the c25 for a center and 150's or 160's as surrounds. find a sub you like and your set, for not much more than the price of the modulus. i am currently running 150's as left/right mains and a c25 for a center (yes, i know, a 3 channels system, blasphemy. but the military wasnt too concerned about proper room design for speaker layout or acoustics when they built these barracks, plus, it would cost more than what i paid for the 360's alone to get them shipped to hawaii where i am currently stationed)