So it looks like I panicked prior to allowing the driver to break in. I think I was also looking for output levels above what I would actually use beyond just showing off. I'm happy with my build with a single cable going in to the LFE input, the gain on the receiver set at 0 and the gain on the amp set to ~55%.
It sounds much better than my 10" Klipsch sub, and definitely goes deeper. I've enjoyed listening to it and just got a second driver and amp ready to build another in a few weeks when I've got the time.
Funny story on the paint though, my wife picked up the last two cans of spray paint I used and there was a dark walnut can misplaced next in the section for the black paint. The can lids are colored about the same color as the paint and it was close enough that neither of us noticed. So that's why it turned out kind of dark brown instead of black. Just need to decide whether to go back and do a few coats of black on the existing build to match the new one, or to use the dark walnut on the next build to match the two.
Thanks jinjuku for providing the plans and for the help and patience in this thread. I did try swapping out amps, drivers, and cables as suggested and I think it was mostly just driver break in beyond what I had expected.
TheLaw612, As far as the BASH amp goes when measuring this all out and building it, it seemed like the amp would stick out right above the port opening with maybe 1-2" of clearance. I was worried about air turbulence with it that close and sticking out a few inches past the opening and that possibly leading to port noise. So I've just got the amp in a make shift box from scrap mdf at the moment. This was my first build and I'm no expert so it may not have been a problem mounting the amp in the enclosure right above the port opening. That said I don't get a whole lot of air coming out of the port so it may not have been a problem. I believe I've got the box sealed properly as I don't feel air coming out anywhere else and I'm just assuming the small amount of air leaving the port (compared to my Klipsch sub) is a result of good design by jinjuku.
Anyway I'll probably just paint the box I've made from scrap mdf to match the subs, put some feet or something on them, and keep them on top of the subs. I went with this approach as I didn't want the fan noise from a pro amp, but I'm on the fence on whether I'd go this route again if I was doing it all over again since I'll end up with two amps and having to build a decent looking enclosure for both.