Inexpensive subwoofer for music



Audioholic Chief
I'm looking to add a subwoofer to a 2 channel music system. I was thinking of picking up the Outlaw M-8 which runs $249, the NHT Super 8 that runs $350, or perhaps the Energy ESW-M8 which runs $299. Since this is for an office, small is good but not a necessity. It just can't be too crazy big, nor too crazy expensive. I'd like to pay around $300 but I can be talked into spending up to $400. I figure there will be some great sales soon so I'm looking. Any ideas would be appreciated. Energy ESW-M8 NA 1200-Watt Subwoofer: Electronics

M8 Powered Subwoofer

Super 8 Powered Subwoofer | Home Theater | High End Audio

I've listened extensively to NHT products and like them but I'm not wedded to the Super 8 by any means.


Audioholics Five-0
How big of an office are we talking? What kind of volume levels are you looking for?


Audioholic Chief
The office is 8' by 16'. The sub does not need to play very loud. I'm going to pair it with a desktop system that consists of the audioengine n-22 amp and P-4 speakers. I'd just like to round out the bottom end on those speakers. I'm currently using an old Klipsch KSW 10 subwoofer that I'm not happy with. I have the crossover set at 80 Hz. It just doesn't add enough bottom end; it used to put out more sound but it's pretty weak at this point. I guess I could try to figure out what's wrong with it as an alternative to buying a new sub. But then xmas is coming up . . . .


Audioholics Five-0
Really, I'd expect any of those three to do a respectable job for your purposes. If you don't need high volume, and since this is just for music (presumably not stuff with loads of very low content), I'd probably toss my hat in with the NHT, especially since you're familiar with their work.
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Audioholic Overlord
I have an ESW-M8.
Energy designs good subs and the ESW-M8 does a very competent job for its size.
However, note that it is tiny compared to the other two (roughly half of the volume). It is great option if you want the sub hidden or want to put it on top of a hutch or bookcase.
The build quality and finish are outstanding.

The ESW-M8 +/-3dB runs from 40Hz to 400Hz. I would assume, given the larger volume that the other two probably extend lower, but don't know for certain.

This thread links to a review of the Energy sub with measurements (don't let the first two FR curves scare you, the third is the one that is far enough away to capture the effect of the driver summed with the passive radiators):

Edit: Also check pricing on the Mirage MM-8, which is identical.
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