There's a dynamic between fans and Kathleen Kennedy and the feminization of masculine roles. Nothing new really on that topic. But what's interesting is the approach to go after her on Indy. It involves claiming Indy is not presented as a "strong" character due to KK's mingling. Yet Indy80 is not Indy40. It's never said specifically why this is, or how to achieve it within the story. Mangold appears to be caught in the cross hairs of this. Like what was he suppose to do? Give him no arch. He's 80. There's flashbacks because you can't sell Indy80 for two hours. As part of his age it's about rediscovering he can do it one more time etc. (No matter how silly I think the premise is.) It looks like young fans are torn between wanting Harrison Ford to play Indy forever and reality. Hence the absurdity of where we are now. Rumor has it the jokes regarding his age have been removed, but that was kinda the point or possibly the point from maybe Kennedy. Instead it's deemed demeaning to the character, even though he's 80 LOL. There's a scene where the female lead is dangling from the plane saying, "I was here to save you." Kind of the joke. Indy grabs her and they jump off with a parachute.