I don't understand how this got to the point it did, other than the fact that she would have been the person they went to for info on how the company was doing. They had a president in the early '80s when John Sr. was trying to ease into retirement, who basically ran the company into the ground. John Sr. came back, fired the guy, took over and placed his two oldest sons in management and then sold his house on the way to eliminating $9 Million in debt in only 11 months. They have done well with Michael as President and CEO and John Jr as Sr VP of Sales but I find it sad that someone can bite the hands that feed them to this extent. She was making good money and if she didn't like her compensation package, she should have negotiated a new one when it was time to. Now, she'll lose everything and go to prison. If this made her feel better about herself, she should have gone to therapy, instead. As far as I'm concerned, she can go rot somewhere.