In-ceiling speakers and the need to be timbre matched



All my speakers are in-ceiling except for two 12" mid woofers and one SVS PB13-Ultra sub. Because of my situation, they have to be in-ceiling.

My receiver is a Denon 4311 with Audyssey XT32.

I have 8 in ceiling speakers 6 are SpeakerCraft AIM8 Fives and two are SpeakerCraft Time5's. All are timbre matched.. The Time5s are used as Wides which I turn on while watching Blu-rays. I truly love the sound the Wides bring to the surround sound.

Because I also love upgrading tryiing to reach the best sound possible for in ceiling speakers, I have been considering changing out the fronts for Martin Logan Vanquish speakers. If I did that, could I get away with not changing out the SpeakerCrafts Time5s used as Wides even though they will not be timbre matched to the fronts?

Or if not willing the change out the SpeakerCraft Time5 Wides then leave all the speakers as they now are, all matched?

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