another thing i gotta worry about now.. I'll probably use the speakers availible tto me until i have enough money for some good ones
*leavesm, checks imendance on Aiwa's*
6 Ohms. 40W Music Power. Will this work with the HTR5740?
One reason i am quite worried about all of this is that, when I had the Sony STR-DE345, which I wrecked...well....
OK, I had all the speakers hooked up to the receiver except for a sub. My dad wanted to listen to some music in the other room, so I thought "why not hook up one of these small speakers (the speaker was just one very small woofer, but the cabinet was big..oddly...) and put them in the other room?"
I handnt turned down the volume on the receiver prior to hooking up this new speaker, the volume on the receiver was pretty much at MAX. I hooked up the speaker, turned on the receiver, heard a *pop* noise...then, nothing
no display, no lights, no sound, nothing.
I had blew a board, i knew it....so i replaced that one with this aiwa as a temporary setup untill i upgraded (which im planning out, as you can see

I'm worried about doing that same thing with this Yammie...not that ill do that exact thing. It's just that if i hook up these small speakers will they ruin the receiver? Thats also why I am scared of bookshelf speakers, as well...